Sunday, February 19, 2012

Emotions Color Wheel

Emotions Color Wheel

An Art Therapy Directive

Description:  This activity is good to break the ice with any client. It is also an easy “check-in” to find out how the client is feeling and the issues he/she is dealing with at this time in his/her life. After creating a pie chart with 8 sections, the client gets to choose 8 emotions and then color in the pie pieces.

Materials:  Colored Pencils or Markers and a White Piece of Paper.


First – Start with a piece of white paper and draw a circle filling the page.

Second – Draw a line straight down the center of the circle, then draw a line down the center, criss-crossing the first line. Follow this by halving the other pies and again until you have 8 pies.

Third – Ask the client, “What are 8 emotions that you would like to put in each pie on the wheel?” Then, as the client mentions the emotions place the word above the pie (on the outside). (The client may need some assistance with coming up with 8 emotions. Give assistance but be careful to not choose for the client.)

Fourth – Ask the client to now fill in each pie with a corresponding color or picture that matches his/her idea of what the emotion means to him/her.

Fifth – When the client is finished coloring have him/her explain what had him/her choose the color or explain what the picture means.

Sixth – Ask the client to share where in his/her life he/she is experiencing that emotion/feeling. Dialogue about it as the client feels comfortable.

Outcome:  This exercise is designed to have your client open up and feel more comfortable expressing his/her emotions/feelings, and establishing rapport/trust with you!

Questions to Ask Client: 
1)  Could you tell me about your Emotions Color Wheel?
2)  What had you choose that color/design for that emotion?
3)  Where else in your life do you experience that emotion/feeling?

Note:  Use affirmative statements with the client. Always acknowledge the client's positive qualities and work with the client to notice their own ability to create beauty/something of importance/value.